
About the Florida everglades

Spouse Adrienne replied: "It's no statue. He blinked at me."
Bond, who is 30 as well as a medical researcher at Northwestern University, has visited several national parks, & he says of Everglades: "There is probably more wildlife there than at any other park I have been to." He made his first trip years ago & his second in early April.

Chris Bond of Chicago sensed he was in for adventure soon after he pulled up to a pay station at Everglades National Park & commented on the "nice alligator statue."

Park spokeswoman Linda Friar calls the park's biodiversity "phenomenal." Walk the Anhinga Trail in November through March, "and it is like National Geographic popping out at you. You can see as lots of as 35 different species in less than a quarter of a mile."
The park is refuge to over twenty rare, endangered or threatened animal species, including the Florida panther, snail kite, alligator, crocodile and manatee. It is home to over 400 species of birds, including roseate spoonbills and great blue herons.

