
How to travel to Cuba

Basically start typing How to travel... in to the search engine & witness it trying to guess what you were about to ask.

In fact, why bother even coming up with the questions in the first place when Google is happy to pose them for you.

Thankfully, we are on hand to answer everything you seldom knew you desired to know about travel & didnt even think about asking until Google asked on your behalf.

Sadly, like a wrinkled sage pondering lifes deepest meanings, a philosopher surrounded by dusty tomes in the vaults of some great library, or a clerk manning an airport help table, Google knows all the questions, but seldom has any definitive responses.

This is fine if your definition of free includes digging hospital latrines or hauling supplies through leech-infested swamps.

If you require to go beyond the finish of your street, try volunteering. Some charities pay the accommodation and airfares of earnest souls hoping to make the world a better place.

But in case you think being up the armpits in other peoples filth and allowing parasitic creatures to drain your lifeblood is a cost worth paying free travel, why not basically receive a job as cabin crew?

